Thursday, August 9, 2007

About Her

Hithere. Her name is Daniella. She was born on November 2, 1992. She currently lives in Staten Island, New York, which she nicknamed Satan's Island. That place is absolutely horrible, in her opinion. She has green/blue/grey eyes. And pale skin. And brown hair. It's long. She's five foot four. She's Jewish. She believes in God, but more as a kind of powerful higher force. She calls it Nature. Her immediate family includes her two half-sisters, mum and step-dad. She reads. The Harry Potter books. And most of the time she sleeps. On her bed. She skateboards. Her skateboard's kinda amatuer, as it's a Channel One board, but she'll live with it until she gets enough money to go to Modell's and get a better one. She writes. Stories, songs, peoms, you name it. She goes to Dockstreet every Friday to listen to When Balance Breaks play. They're oh-so-radddddddtastikal. She's obsessed with icons for some reason - her Photobucket is filled with them. She draws nonsense pictures. She loves books by Stephen King. Especially The Dark Tower series. Just mention it and she'll be all happy-perky. She doesn't have any friends she likes in Real Life except ther cousin David and the few kids she hangs out with at school. But in E-Life, she has buckets full of friends that she cares for. So you better not mess with them or she'll bite your toenails off. She's a quiet and shy person. She likes a wide range of music, as long as she listens to it for a long time. She likes to write stuff, draw things and spend enough time in her head to be called undeniably crazy. She's scared of the dark, elevators, escalators, and pretty much anything electronic excluding her computer, homephone and MP3 Player. She has an over-active imagination...which probably explains why she's afraid of all those things. The thunder-and-lightning storms now-a-days are really freaking her out, because it sounds like the sky is trying to eat her up. -_- She likes Dinorawrrs, and old TV shows from WB Kids that don't play anymore. She has several accounts that she'll list at the end. Yeahso, that's pretty much it.

Neopets: xxenigmaticheart, xxthepromblewup
Hotmail: xxenigmaticheart
Gmail: daniella.plaksiy
Photobucket: xxpiratexlovexx
GaiaOnline: Inverted Enigma
Diablo II Expansion xxKiran (Druid), xxGypsy (Sorceress) [Account name is thelostgen]

Music She Listens To

She'll listen to anything in the categories of grunge rock, alternative, rock, metal and jazz. These are mostly all of the bands/people she likes. The ones capitalized and bolded are the ones she listens to quite often.


Black Sabbath
Black Label Society

Chris Cornell

Drowning Pool
From First To Last

Lamb of God
Led Zeppelin

Michael Jackson

Puddle of Mudd
Sex Pistols
System of a Down
The Autumn Offering


Some Crap You Might Find Interesting

Major Interests:

Shows/Movies She Likes:
Dawson's Dreek
Saved By The Bell
WWE Friday Night SmackDown!
WWE Monday Night RAW
Nightmare On Elm Street
The Punisher
Halloween I
Halloween II
Halloween V
Halloween 20
Halloween Resurrection
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The Marine
The Monday Night War
Tombstone: The History of The Undertaker
A Walk To Remember
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
The Faculty
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Forrest Gump

Wrestlers She Likes:
AJ Styles
Bobby Lashley
Bret "Hitman" Hart
Brian Kendrick
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Christian Cage
CM Punk
Eddie Guerrero [Rest In Peace]
Hulk Hogan
Jeff Hardy
John Felix Anthony Cena, Jr.
Kurt Angle
Matt Hardy
Michelle McCool
Mickey James
Mick Foley
Mike "The Miz" Mizanin
Mini Boogeyman
Owen Hart [Rest In Peace]
Paul London
Rey Mysterio
Ric Flair
Rob Van Dam
Shawn Michaels
Steve Austin
The Boogeyman
Torri Wilson
Triple H

Mitch Hedburg [Rest In Peace]
Bill Engvall

Albert Brooks
Candice Bergen
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
John Felix Anthony Cena, Jr.
Michael Douglas
Michael Gambon
Nick Castle
Richard Warlock
Robert DeNiro
Robert Patrick
Robin Tunney
Rupert Grint
Ryan Reynolds
Tom Felton
Winona Ryder

Random Questions

Name: Daniella
Date of Birth: November 2, 1992
Birthplace: Miamonades Hospital
Current Location: Staten Island, NY (Satan's Island, NY, USA, Planet Earth)
Eye Color: Green/Blue/Grey

Hair Color: Brownish red
Height: 5'4
Heritage: Russin/Ukranian
Piercings: One per ear
Tattoos: None

Band/Singer: Shinedown, In Flames, Nirvana, The Killers
Song: Sunday Morning by Maroon 5, The Quiet Place by In Flames, Simple Man by Shinedown, Jenny Was a Friend of Mine by The Killers, D-7 by Nirvana
Movie: Crash
Disney Movie: Quest for Camelot
TV show: Dawson's Creek, Saved By The Bell and Control Room Presents
Color: Purple

Food: Curry
Pizza topping: Plain
Ice-Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Soda: Pepsi
Store: Hot Topic/Spencer's
Shoe Brand: Converse, Vans, Etnies
Season: Fall
Month: October
Holiday/Festival: Mabon (Autumn Eqinox in Wicca)
Flower: Daisy
Board game: Monopoly

This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Bitter
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In person
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Milk
Hot or cold: Cool

Goal for this year: To find whatever it is that I'm looking for [subconsciously]
Most missed memory: None
Best physical feature: Eyes
First thought waking up: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hypothetical personality disorder: ADD
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Hair
Sesame street alter ego: Grover
Fairytale alter ego: Kayley from Quest for Camelot
Most stupid remark: YEA, SO?

Worst crime: Exploding on my bestfriend.. :(
Greatest ambition: Living
Greatest fear: Losing my bestfriend
Darkest secret: None of your damned business.
Favorite subject: AP World History
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Strangest received gift: Pajama pants. O_o
Worst habit: Fingernail biting

Do You
Curse: In my head. Or online. Even then, I'll censor it, unless I'm really mad. :/
Shower daily: Yeaa
Like thunderstorms: Yes and no
Dance in the rain: NERD DANCE!
Sing: Only for Joseph's cell phone. xD
Play an instrument: No
Get along with your parents: Yea
Wish on stars: Anywhere and anytime
Believe in fate: Of course
Believe in love at first sight: Perhaps

Can You
Drive: Yea. I've been taught. But I haven't got my learner's yet.
Sew: Yea
Cook: Yea
Speak another language: Yea. Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, parts of Italian and parts of Indian (Punjabi, Mali)
Dance: No. :)
Sing: No. :)
Touch your nose with your tongue: Yeaaa
Shove your fist in your mouth: Surprisingly, yes.
Whistle: Kinda
Curl your tongue: Yup

Have You Ever
Been Drunk: Nope
Eaten Sushi: Yea. Ew. x_x
Been in Love: No
Skipped school: No
Made prank calls: Nope
Sent someone a love letter: No
Stolen something: Yep. But I was 3... :(
Cried yourself to sleep: Nope

Other Questions
What annoys you most in a person? Vanity
Are you right or left handed? Both.
What is your bedtime? Whenever I fall asleep
Name three things you can't live without: Joseph, my MP3, and Joseph
What is the color of your room? It's called Fortune Teller...purple, I guess.
Do you have any siblings? Two half-sisters
Do you have any pets? No
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? No
What is you middle name? Shane
What are you nicknames? Dani
Are you for or against non-same gender marriage? For
Do you have a crush on anyone? No
Are you afraid of the dark? Hell yea
How do you want to die? Dead
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day: I hate popsicles..
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yes, no doubt
What is the last law you've broken? I don't break laws...

In a Member of the Opposite Gender
Hair color: No preference
Eye color: Don't care
Height: Anywhere between 5'4 and the sky
Weight: Average
Most important physical feature: Personality. You can see it in their eyes...
Biggest turn-off: Vanity

Eyes: Eden
You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.
Birth Month: November

Has lots of extraordinary ideas. Difficult to fathom. Think forward. Unique. Brilliant. Sharp thinking. Fine, strong clairvoyance. Make good doctors. Dynamic. Secretive. Inquisitive. Know how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative. Amiable. Brave. Generous. Patient. Stubborn. Hardhearted. Determined. Never quit. Hardly become angry unless provoked. Love to be alone. Think differently. Sharp-minded. Motivate self. Doesn't appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built, tough. Deep love, emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest. Keepsecrets. Can't control emotions. Unpredictable.

Her Loves

Now I know I've forgotten some of you, but I was too lazy to continue.xD The rest of this page is dedicated to all you people that I love. Anyone who messes with any of them's gunna get attacked with a bubble-gun. Pretty much anyone from MSN, xWa and Gaia, along with a few other people who deserve to be on here 'cause they've impacted my life in one way or another - hopefully for the best.xD You guys are my wrestling geeks/my best friends everrr.
Cazer. Mah gawd. If Michael didn't exist, you'd be the GFX Master. You make some of the most amazing lookups, that I'm awed. Your Ace Designs, dude, they P/OWN. You should be the owner of the entire internet GFX sites when you get older. You'd definitely go far in life, kid. Keep on.
David. Omg, kiddo. First off, you better feel special, because you're the only one not from xWa that's on here. xD Anyways, yeah. You're THE raddest I've met in RealLife. Not just 'cause you're my cousin. But, like, even after you guys came to NY and we went to the mall and all, it didn't really seem real until we came to Nova Scotia. Then it hit me: I've got family in Canada. WOOOOOOOOOOT. And we've had such fun times, that entire week. I mean, yeah, twas kinda awkward, and the first 2 days were spent playing Halo 2 and Hockey most of the time. But we've watched enough Foamy videos and South Park episodes to last a lifetime. I even beat you a few times in Table-Hockey. HA. Butyeah. WE got ourselves a nickname only we can be addresed by : The Lost Generation, Word. Sitting all day in your room, yeah, I guess we were kinda lost. xD Those nights, staring at your clock upside-down, we saw things in a different view. PM changed into Wd. I swear, that was the best. &Even better than the Wd. Lol. I swore I'd never post it or tell anyone, but it's gotta be said. That flimsy sword of yours...AHEM...makeshiftpenis. Ha. Hahahaha. I'm sorry I broke it.xD We had so much fun with that idiotic, nasty thing. We went biking and to the lake and the woods and that walk we had in the evening, well, I can't wait to come back next summer and dump a whole bucketfull of poofy-flower seeds on your head, you loser. xD And the second-to-last day of our stay, we had that Super-Soaker Fight. I'm downing you with water, next time. AND. Just to clear it up. IT WAS A TIE UNTIL YOU GOT YOUR HOSE OUT AND GOT ME ALL WET, DAMMIT. .... That sounded wrong. xD Even so, we've always found something to do no matter what, whether it was just sitting there, playing Pokémon, Splintercell, Monopoly (I still gotta beatchur ass in that. AND repay you $5,192.) When you got Diablo, you got ME re-hooked. EvilCousin. O: Anywhat. I swear, you're like, the coolest thing to happen to Canada. I swear to goodness, I can't live without you.
So some people are gunna say you don't belong on here, but whatthefk. It's not their blog, now is it? I'm putting major emphasis on every word I write here. Whether you read this or not, you definitely deserve to be here. I met you on Gaia, in the Forest thread. And golly, you really know how to role-play your heart out. You're absolutely amazing at it. That first day that I met you, some would say it wasn't too special. But it was a day to remember for me. You have an imagination that knows no boundaries, which is something I admire in you. You poured your soul out into your characters. Not many people can do that, so kudos to you. And you really got me into role-playing..I actually went on everyday that week hoping I'd get to RP with you. And we got our chance. Then it kinda bombed, but even during that time, it was still amazing. And then even after THAT, we had another RP....Elliot Moon, I swear, I will never forget that week. It's a pity you're leaving Gaia...I really hoped you wouldn't, but I can't stop you from doing what you wish. Anyways, thank you. Thank you for the role-play, the excitement, and best of all, the friendship. I hold it close in my heart.
JAKE. WHATTHEHELL.XD The Son Of Joohsa. Gawd, you must be envied by everyone, huh? xD Seriously. You used to be so blonde, but now you've changed. YOU'RE COOLER, DUDE. You've, like, stolen Joohi's layout code to see her pet. WHATTHEHECK. XD You'll stop at nothing to get what you want, but that's what makes you so lovable. You're determined.
JJ. Omgggggggggg JJ. I'm sitting here and I'm speechless. You're definitely one of THE sweetest kidds I've ever met. You made my days shine when we were RPing, and you still do now. You're an xWa Legend, and then you left for 342765034653495 months, but your comeback made you even more...Legendous than before. You're hilarious, JJ. You make me crack up. You make me LOL.xDD You're a really sweet kidd. I can't deny that. You've got smartness, and even better, logic. That's a lethal weapon, JJ. O: I WANNA GO DOWN TO FLORIDA AND MEET YOU ONE DAY. Srsly. We HAFTA meet. But up until then, I'll be happy just talking to you over Messenger and xWa. It's like that song by the Killers goes...except I'm gunna change it around....JJ, YOU'RE A STARRRRRRR. XDDD
Joseph Flores Martinez
Josa. Wow. There's so much I can say about you. But I'ma try and keep this short as a long history can let me. So. You found me on June 29, 2006, wandering the Guild Boards like the Neopets-lover I used to be in that day. This wasn't the first time I'd been invited to xWa, but that was back when it was still called xWa Breaking Point, and I had my own guild with a few tight people, and your guild was so super-totally awesome that I got jealous and started copying your guild. xD But then I left for good, and came to xWa. It was amazing. I felt like I belonged. The friends I made there can last lifetimes. And the proof is living til this day. Anyways, we weren't real close back then, but we were good friends. Throughout 9th grade, I had my continuous on-and-off bouts with the Internet. I've raved at you. I've done indescribable horrors to you, but no matter what, we've bounced back. Our friendship has withstood real bad dents. And then I found out some truths from you, and I thought I hated you. But it wasn't the case. You've won me over with your wonderful Godliness. With your Josephness. There's something in you that puts you apart from all of us. Some kinda drive. We've been, literally, through the thickest and thinnest things thrown at us. I've shown true jealousy to your face, with my emotions getting the best of me. You've been there throughout my breakdowns, and I've been there throughout your breakdowns. And look at us now..we're great friends. We've been friends since May 2, 2005. Over two-and-a-half years. You're pretty much the closest thing I have to My One. (F'n strange way to put it, but it's the only way..) Throughout every piece of sht flung at us, we've grown way closer...or maybe that's just my perception of our connection.You know things about me no one else does, stuff I would never have the guts to tell anyone else. And even though it pisses me off, you have the power to get everything out of me. You'd know when I was depressed or happy. I have a high respect for you, Josa. More respect for you than most people I've met in my life. It hurts me when I have to say negative things or consequences to you. I can't imagine my life without you. It's as if I was living my life just to be introduced to you. I can't stand having my Internet privileges taken away from me, because even though I survive, I keep thinking how I can't talk to you. That, Josa, shows something. Whether or not you know it, you've got tremendous power over me. And that scares me, 'cause it makes me believe that you could break my heart more than any other person. Sometimes I just stop and think of the things we've been through, the things we've said to each other, the memories, and I just keep thinking how lucky I am to have a friend like you. I used to think Karina was my bestfriend, but we don't have the contact factor; then Trina came along, and I thought I met my bestfriend, but she decided to throw it all away. Then I met you, and up until this day, I haven't regretted a single thing I've said or done to you. If anything was changed, we wouldn't be where we are today. So anyways, I'm gunna end this commemoration before it gets out of hand and too long, like the last one.xDD Thanks for everything.

Okay. You. You'd better be happy as well, because I felt bad for not putting you up here. But then again, you should've been the first one I put up here. I've known you since we were in diapers. No one can separate us - we're the f'n bestest of friends. I barely even see you anymore, yet we're still close. We've lived in the same house til we both moved out. I even remember our address: 2901 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn NY 11235...CONEY ISLAND...XD Brighton Beach....brings back sweet memories, even though I can't stand it anymore. XD And out apartment numbers. O: Who'd believe I still remember THOSE? You lived in E4, and I lived in F6. One floor right above each other. I across from the elevator, you right down the stairs. We'd hang out EVERY SINGLE F'N DAY. We'd play with Barbies, YuGiOh cards, watch TV, go to the beach, walk outside, play your videogames..You're loaded, girl. You still beat me every time in Soul Calibar (sp)...and every time we hang out, we aways watch an Anime movie..last time it was Spirited Away. Btw, that Cowboy Bebop..well no offense, but it sucks. XD And then we'd wake up, play Diablo II for the entire day..literally, the entire day, and then go to sleep. HEAVEN, KARINA, HEAVEN. xD
You can't imagine how scared I was of you the first day I came. I hated the fact that you thought I looked good, but I guess that idea of your's has rubbed off on me, 'cause now I think so too. You've got a great sense of humor. You're my Big Adopted Sis on Gaia~! -holdsfaceinadmiration- You're utterly amazing. You've got good taste. I dunno what I'd do without you.

Not much to say about you either..but you seem pretty awesome as well. TAOWNED~! Funny? Maybe. Amazing? DEFINITELY.
MICHAEL GRANT PORTER. GODDIGGITYDAMMIT. XD Your GFX own, dude. Your can say everything in just one emoticon. You know everything from wrestling, to Nascar, to Baseball.....You gotta stop being perfect, kidd. If not to say the least, you have one AMAZING BRAIN. No one can write shows as well as you do. I'd know. I've tried, and I sck. And this is coming from me.xD Us losers at Satan's Island have a street named after you. A STREET. IT'S CALLED MICHAEL CT., AND IT'S ONLY 15 MINUTES AWAY FROM ME. And I pass it every time I take the bus to school. No matter what event occurs, I'm always reminded of you. It's amazing how we're still friends even after I confessed of my kinda-love for you while I was on Horrorcation in Dominican Republic. But that's just how it is.xD
Pebbles. You, Madison and I. We're the Hobo's.xD I've never found a person, apart from Joohi, that matches my personality this well. &You're so caring and sweet and lovable and amazing....we just can't live without you.xD
Phil. Words wouldn't do you justice in trying to explain how much you mean to me. Because you mean a heck of a lot to me. You've been there for me since I met you, and you've never failed to make me smile. And by golly, I rarely smile. Your way with words is quite..interesting.xD You hold a huge part in my heart, Phillip. I have no clue what I'd do without you. It's like you have this aura of fking sooperradtastikcalness surrounding you, and no one can come close to attempting to be like you. Because you're truly one of a kind, Phil. You've been with me during the Emo-Dani period, you've been with me during the transition from Emo-Dani to Post-Emo Dani, and you're here with me now, as Slightly-Normal Dani. You've been there for me for so long, dealt with a lot of my BS, and yet you never fail to make me happy. Nothing nothing nothinggg makes me happier than to see MSN make a box appear on the bottom of my screen that tells me you're online. Absolutely nothing in the darn world. I keep saying I'm gunna move to Syracuse, and you know what, Phil? I will. I really will. I don't like seeing you sad and/or pissed off, and it aggravates me when I'm the cause of it. I'd do anything for you, Phil. I really would. You're like a brother to me. I just love you to fking death, Phil.
Wacko. I like that beard of yours, though.xDD That beard reeled me in, Robbie. But're sick. SICKSICKSICK.XDD Nasty mind..xD Sense of humor...GAYYY. YOUR GRANDPARENTS LIVE ON THE MOOOOOOON? Primitive...xD I dunno. You're radtastikal, Robbie. Kinda perverted, but we all are. (;
Taylor. Girl. You're another one that matches my personality well. We're both these weird people that no matter what, you gotta love. xD Remember when you began yelling at me when JJ became my RPBF? I got so scared, but I though to myself, I've gotta be friends with this girl. And we're friends. So we've got that down. xD We've has similar life experiences, and we're getting through them. &It's weird how everyone thinks I'm you. O: I CAME UP WITH THE "XX" AT THE BEGINNG OF USERNAMES FIRST. You're, like, my bestest friend now. I can't live without you.XD

I dunno Wolfie. I mean, you're funny. YOU GET PRETTY ANNOYING SOMETIMES. XD But otherwise, you're a pretty sweet kid.